domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


Tantra goes on working on all and every technique possible. Tantra is not for someone, it is for all. EVERY TYPE OF MIND CAN MOVE THROUGH TANTRA. Every type of mind cannot be Christian, every type of mind cannot be Hindu, every type of mind cannot be Buddhist. A particular type of mind will be attracted by Buddha, a particular type by Jesus, a particular type by Mohammed. Shiva contains all. Shiva can have an appeal for every type possible. The total, the whole has been included, it is not a partial standpoint. THAT'S WHY TANTRA HAS NO SECT.

You cannot create a sect around the whole; you can create a sect only around a fragment. You can live the whole, but you cannot create a sect. A sect can be created only when you are for something and against something else. If both the opposites are contained, how can you create a sectarian mind? SO TANTRA IS THE ESSENTIAL RELIGION, it is not a sect. Hence so many techniques.

People keep on coming to me and asking, "There are so many techniques, and one technique contradicts the other?' Yes, it contradicts the other -- because it is not meant for a particular mind. In these hundred and twelve techniques, ALL THE POSSIBLE TYPES OF HUMANITY HAVE BEEN INCLUDED.

You please don't be concerned with all the techniques, otherwise you will get confused. You simply find that which suits you, that which appeals to you. Towards it you will feel a deep affinity, an attraction; you will fall in love with it. Then forget all the remaining one hundred and eleven techniques. Forget them. YOU JUST STICK TO THE ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOU.

In these one hundred and twelve techniques, ONLY ONE TECHNIQUE IS FOR YOU. If you try many techniques you will get confused -- because to try so many techniques, you will need a very big mind which can absorb contradiction. That's not possible right now. One day it may become possible. You can become so complete, so total, that you can move easily with many techniques. Then there will be no problem. But then there will be no need also! Right now is the need. Find out your technique.

I CAN BE HELPFUL TO YOU in finding which technique will be suitable for you. And if you feel that other techniques are contradictory to the technique that suits you, don't think about them. They are contradictory. But they are not for you. At least they are not for you now. One day it may become possible that when you don't have the ego within, then you can move to the opposite without any problem. The ego creates the problem. It is stuck somewhere, it clings to something, it is not liquid, it cannot flow. And Shiva is flowing in all directions.

So remember, don't start thinking about these techniques: that this technique is against that. Shiva is not trying to create a system here, he is not a system-maker. Shiva is giving all the techniques without any systematizing. They cannot be systematized, because a system means that the contradictory, the opposite, must be denied. AND HERE THE OPPOSITE IS INCLUDED. It is both Apollo and Dionysus; it is both serious and laughing; it is immanent and transcendent both; it is earthly and unearthly both -- because it is all.

Vigyan Bhairav TantraVol 2,
Ch #35: The search for the rhythm of the opposites
pm in Bombay, India

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