domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010


Once there was a man who took a ride in an airplane.
Unfortunately he fell out of the plane.
Fortunately he was wearing a parachute.
Unfortunately the parachute was not properly packed and it did not open.
Fortunately there was a haystack in the field below.
Unfortunately there was a sharp pitchfork sticking straight out of the haystack.
Fortunately the man missed the pitchfork.
Unfortunately he also missed the haystack!

THAT'S HOW LIFE GOES ON. There is no need to be too much worried about it. Enjoy your energy. Sometimes it is fortunate, and sometimes unfortunate -- YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT BOTH. If you want it always to be fortunate, then you are asking too much; it is not possible in this changing world.

EVERYTHING IS GOING UP AND DOWN ALWAYS. So when you are up, enjoy; when you are down, rest and wait, then soon you are going to be up. The down periods should be rest periods, and the up periods should be dancing periods. And it is perfectly natural. Otherwise life will become very monotonous. This tragic-comic drama -- one moment it is tragedy, another moment it is comedy -- makes life more juicy, more spicy.

The New Dawn
Ch #9: The more you know it, the less you know it
pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

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