domingo, 28 de março de 2010

You are a Paradise

YOU ARE FOCUSED ON THE OUTSIDE; that's why you go on missing what is happening inside. You think it is happening because of the master, so you are focused on the master. Then you become attached to the master -- that becomes your slavery.

When something like this happens, CLOSE YOUR EYES AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING WITHIN YOU, and soon you will find small clues... how it happens, in what situations. You were silent, you were relaxed, you were not thinking. Your mind was empty, and it came like a flood.

Then try it alone.
It is not happening with any other man, because WITH ANY OTHER MAN YOU ARE NOT SILENT. With any other man, you are constantly quarreling, fighting, nagging.

IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO FIND A WOMAN WHO IS NOT BITCHY, and being bitchy do you think you will have ecstasy? You are bitchy, but the man will be the target. You think that he is the cause -- why did he come late? where has he been?

One day Mulla Nasruddin's wife was crying. As I entered their house, she started crying even more loudly. I said, "What is the matter?"
She said, "Now things have gone beyond control. This man" -- and she pointed towards Mulla Nasruddin, her husband -- "has been having affairs with women. There is no doubt about it, because many times I have found hairs on his coat which are not his hairs -- he is bald. The color is different."

I said, "Have you found any today?"

She said, "Not today -- that's why I am crying, because today I looked minutely and found that there was no hair. It means he has started having affairs with bald women. This is too much, I cannot tolerate this. With women who have hair it is okay, but with women who are bald...."

IT IS YOU WHO ARE FINDING THINGS which can make you joyous, which can make you miserable.

IT WAS NOT HAPPENING WITH THE MAN for a simple reason: first, you were always quarreling, always demanding. And these experiences are not such that they can be produced on demand -- "Bring one ecstasy just now." Nobody can do that -- except Delgado. But for that you will have to go through a small operation. In your skull he will make a small hole and put in an electrode. And he can give you a remote control -- just a small size, you can keep it in your pocket. AND THERE WILL BE NO NEED TO ASK ANYBODY; you can give yourself as many orgasms as you want.

But the danger is the same: what happened to the poor white mouse is going to happen to you, because THE EXPERIENCE IS SO BEAUTIFUL that you will not want to lose a single moment for anything else. Perhaps... the mouse is a small thing, died in one hour; you may take twenty-four hours. But more than that, you should not hope to survive.

Man can survive in misery for seventy-five years. But in ecstasy... seventy-five years in ecstasy? Impossible! Your organism is not made of steel; it will have a breakdown.

I can provide you an atmosphere in which it is easier to move into such spaces. IF YOU ARE INTELLIGENT, you will start looking inside yourself for why these spaces are happening. And you will start on your own, alone, so that you can have those experiences without me.

IF YOU ARE UNINTELLIGENT, then you will start clinging to me -- and that's how so many people in the world are being exploited. If you go to someone and say, "It is because of you, master... you are the lord of my heart..." you are giving that man a chance to exploit you and others.

Out of all the so-called spiritual teachers, masters, prophets, saviors, ninety-nine percent are simply frauds. But you are responsible, you have made them frauds.

I don't want anybody to cling to me, to be attached to me in any way.

MY WHOLE EFFORT IS TO GIVE YOU TOTAL FREEDOM, and methods so that whatever you want, you can create it within yourself. Not even God is needed, nothing is needed -- you are enough unto yourself.

This is the great blessing of existence to every human being. YOU ARE MADE WITH SUCH PERFECTION -- but you never explore it, it remains dormant.

JUST BECOME AN EXPLORER OF YOUR OWN INTERIORITY, of your own subjectivity, and you will find thousands of ecstasies, immense blessings, unimagined, undreamt of.

YOU ARE A PARADISE, but have you forgotten yourself. You are looking everywhere except within you, and that is the only place where you are going to find the treasure, the truth, the beauty.

Beyond Enlightenment
Ch #21: The watermelon and the knife

domingo, 14 de março de 2010


These are THE FIVE TRICKS THROUGH WHICH MAN HAS BEEN TURNED INTO A SLAVE -- into an ugly phenomenon, a crippled.

THE FIRST IS: KEEP MAN AS WEAK AS POSSIBLE IF YOU WANT TO DOMINATE HIM. If the priest wants to dominate you, or the politician wants to dominate you, you have to be kept as weak as possible.

IF IN CERTAIN CASES EXCEPTIONS ARE ALLOWED -- that is, when the services of fighting our enemy are needed, only then -- otherwise not. The army is allowed many things which other people are not allowed. The army is in the service of death; they are allowed to be powerful. They are allowed to remain as powerful as possible. They are needed to kill the enemy. Other people are destroyed; they are forced to remain weak in thousand and one ways. AND THE BEST WAY TO KEEP A MAN WEAK IS NOT TO GIVE LOVE TOTAL FREEDOM.

LOVE IS NOURISHMENT. Now the psychologists have discovered it, that if a child is not given love, he shrivels up into himself and becomes weak. You can give him milk, you can give him medicine, you can give him everything. Just don't give him love. Don't hug him, don't kiss him, don't hold him close to the warmth of your body. And the child will start becoming weaker and weaker and weaker. And there are more chances of dying than surviving.

What happens? Why? JUST HUGGING, KISSING, GIVING WARMTH -- somehow the child feels nourished, accepted, loved, needed; THE CHILD STARTS FEELING WORTHY; the child starts feeling a certain meaning in his life.

NOW FROM THE VERY CHILDHOOD WE STARVE -- WE DON'T GIVE LOVE AS MUCH AS NEEDED. Then we force the young men and young women not to fall in love unless they get married. By the age fourteen they become sexually mature. But the education may take more time – ten years more. Twenty-four, twenty-five years then they will be getting their MAs or PhDs or MDs. So we have to force them not to love.

SEXUAL ENERGY COMES TO ITS CLIMAX AT NEAR ABOUT THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN. Never again will a man be so potential, and never again will a woman be able to have a greater orgasm than she will be able near the age eighteen. But we force them not to make love.

We force boys to have their separate dormitories. GIRLS AND BOYS ARE KEPT SEPARATE. And just between the two stands the whole mechanism of police, magistrate, vice chancellors, principals, headmasters. They are all standing there just in between -- just holding boys not to move to the girls, holding girls not to move to the boys. Why? Why so much care is taken? THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL THE BULL AND CREATE AN OX.

By the time you are eighteen, you are at the peak of your sexual energy, your love energy. By the time you get married, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh -- and the age has been going on and on. The more cultured a county, the more you wait -- because more has to be learned. The job has to be found, this and that. BY THE TIME YOU GET MARRIED, YOU ARE ALMOST DECLINING IN YOUR POWERS. And you love -- but the love never becomes really hot. It never comes to the point where people evaporate; it remains lukewarm.

AND WHEN YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO LOVE TOTALLY, YOU CANNOT LOVE YOUR CHILDREN -- because you don't know how. When you have not been able to know the peaks of it, how can you teach your children? How can you help your children to have the peaks of it? So down the ages, man has been denied love so that he remains weak.

The Tantra Vision
Vol 2, Ch #4: Trust cannot be betrayed
am in Buddha Hall
[part 2 of 7]

domingo, 7 de março de 2010


Why sex has been a taboo in all the societies down the ages?

It is a very complicated question -- but very important too, worth going into.


The politician and the priest -- they have understood it from the very beginning: that sex is the most driving energy in man. It has to be curtailed, it has to be cut.


Have you not seen it being done? When you want a bull to be yoked in a bullock cart -- what you do? --You castrate; you destroy his sex energy.


An ox is a poor phenomenon: a slave. A bull is a beauty. A bull is a glorious phenomenon, a great splendor. See a bull walking -- how he walks like an emperor; and see an ox carrying a bullock cart.

THE SAME HAS BEEN DONE TO MAN. The sex instinct has been curtailed, cut, crippled. Now man does not exist as the bull; he exists like the ox.

AND EACH MAN IS CARRYING THOUSAND AND ONE BULLOCK CARTS. Look and you will find behind you thousand and one bullock carts; and you are yoked in them.

Why can't you yoke a bull? --The bull is too powerful. If he sees a cow passing by, he will throw the bullock cart and you. And he will move to the cow. He will not bother a little bit who you are, and he will not listen. It will be impossible to control the bull.

SEX ENERGY IS LIFE ENERGY; it is uncontrollable.

And the politician and the priest are not interested in you. They are interested to channelize your energy into certain other directions.

So there is a certain mechanism behind it. It has to be understood.

SEX REPRESSION -- TABOOING THE SEX -- IS THE VERY FOUNDATION OF HUMAN SLAVERY. And man cannot be free unless sex is free. Man cannot be really free unless his sex energy is allowed natural growth.

The Tantra Vision

Vol 2, Ch #4: Trust cannot be betrayed
am in Buddha Hall
[part 1 in a series]