Just as a musician plays on his instrument, TWO LOVERS PLAY ON EACH OTHER'S HEARTS. And slowly, a harmony arises between the two, and it goes on reaching to higher peaks.
There is no limit, even the sky is not the limit. THERE CANNOT BE ANY LIMIT TO LOVE, IT IS INFINITE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. It is the most mysterious phenomenon in life, but music comes closest to it. MUSIC is its very HEARTBEAT.
In fact, scientists say that MUSIC WAS DISCOVERED THROUGH THE HEARTBEAT. Whenever you listen to music, if it goes WITH your heartbeat you will feel very BLESSED, you will feel very heavenly. But if it goes against your HEARTBEAT, then you will feel nauseous.
And the same is true about love: LOVE CAN BE A NAUSEA, it can be a sickness unto death. IF TWO PERSONS ARE CONTINUOUSLY QUARRELING -- fighting, nagging, are continuously at each other's necks; if they don't know anything more about love than fighting -- as if it is a kind of wrestling; then it creates nausea -- and the worst kind of nausea; IT DESTROYS YOUR LIFE, YOUR JOY, YOUR ENTHUSIASM. All great qualities in you -- adventure, courage, meaning -- they all start disappearing. You start becoming settled in a very mundane life. You start thinking that this is all, there is no more to it; nothing more is possible.
But when love is really music -- a HARMONY -- it give you A LONGING FOR MORE, it gives you desires to reach to higher peaks. As it becomes deeper and profounder, you become aware in a vague way that there are HIGHER PEAKS STILL!
AND THERE IS NO LIMIT REALLY: whenever you reach a high peak, you will see another higher peak -- just there, waiting for you, calling you, challenging you.
The Miracle
Ch #23, a darshan diary
pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
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